It’s hard to take a deep breath right now, summer was a lazy blur of activity which seemed endless at the time, but now seems forever ago! In the constant juggle of balancing home, work, and kids, it often feels like time slips through our fingers and before we know it, they’ll have grown out of their shoes again!
I’m finding it increasingly challenging to fit it all in while trying to maintain my sanity - in fact, we simply can’t do it all, and it’s essential to hold space for ourselves amidst the chaos of our daily lives.
One thing that truly grounds me though - is taking photos. It allows me to breathe slower, take everything in, and concentrate on the elements that truly matter - the little things that we love about right now but often take for granted. I bring this same philosophy to my photoshoots, creating a space where families can pause, reflect, and simply be in the moment.
I’m excited to share a few images from a wonderful shoot we had to celebrate a milestone birthday - a great opportunity to reflect. We enjoyed a slow morning together, savoring homemade banana bread paired with rich, ice-cold milk, twirling around and laughing as time felt like it stopped still…