There is a wonderful charity in Hereford called The Little Princess Trust who make wigs out of real hair donations, to give to children with cancer - to help restore their confidence and identity.
Having missed a cut during lockdown, it had grown as long as ever grow it. So I felt that if I were to donate my hair - it was now or never. I had considered doing this in the past, but each time I put it off, with an excuse every time, knowing that I have never looked good in short hair. But this was a choice for me. It isn’t a choice for others.
So to hold myself accountable, I announced that I would be doing this, and set up a JustGiving Page to raise extra money and help fund the creation of the wig that my hair would go into - each wig costs £500 to make.
My daughters have only ever known me with long hair. I explained to them that it was for a good cause, and it would make a poorly child feel a tiny bit better inside. And that whilst I would look very different, that I would still be the same inside.
However, none of us were looking forward to it. I resigned myself to thinking that I’d buys lots of hats and scarves to hide it for 6 months whilst it grew back and I took this photo a couple of days before my cut, just in case I didn’t want to take any more until my hair grew back.
The Cut
Rob Hicks Salons had just opened round the corner to me in Cheltenham. We got chatting, and he generously offered to cut my hair for free. I had never never met him before - let alone had a a haircut with him, but took a chance based on his resume - and the fact that his salon looks amazing. This could have gone either way though…
The process was terrifying. The experience of having 14 inches of my hair split into 4 ponytails and chopped off all at once was, for want of a better word - brutal. I felt nervous, shaky, and even angry with myself for having made this decision, but kept thinking of the cause, and the poorly child that my hair would go to. What I was going through was a tiny fraction of their experience.
During this whole process, Rob Hicks couldn’t have been be more friendly, enthusiastic and reassuring. This wasn’t intended to be an advert for him - I had no idea if this cut would turn out well. But honestly, if you want a good cut and feel really well looked after - book in here (and tell him I sent you!):

The Result
To be totally honest - I left in shock (I still am). But I know that this will grow on me (pardon the pun). I’m so grateful to every single person who has supported me during this process - both with their kind wishes, and generous donations. The total money raised so far for the Little Princess Trust is now £1194 - which is almost enough to fund the making of 3 wigs for poorly children. Please click here for anyone who would like to donate to this worthy cause.
I’m still getting used to the cut, but would go as far to say that this is quite possibly the best result that I could have had. I couldn’t have been in better hands, my heart has been warmed by the kindness from friends and family, and my hair couldn’t have gone to a better cause.