When you’ve have been growing a baby inside you, this amazing process that your body goes through needs to be celebrated.
The process can feel like a marathon. Those early days of nausea, the copious amounts of water in order to get a decent scan, the nights where you can’t sleep, the possibility of getting stretch marks and varicose veins… not to mention this year in particular, when the concept of birthing with your partner present is not a given right.
You deserve to see how beautiful you are right now. You deserve these photos to see how strong you are. Your little one will be able to see how excited you were, waiting to finally meet them and the excitement of the journey that you will all be going on together as a family.
If you are in 2 minds as to whether you should book a bump shoot - please take it from me, who made this mistake twice. The only thing that you will regret is not booking one.