International Photography Awards 2020 The Voice Finalist

It took me 4 attempts to pass my driving license. I almost passed first time because we were stuck in a traffic jam for the most part, but then I kept failing - down to nerves and confidence. So when I passed eventually, it was this feeling of disbelief. Like I wasn't meant to be on the road. That's how I'm feeling right now...

The Voice Collection is a truly inspiring collection of imagery, taken by incredibly talented female photographers across the world. I had categorised it as an unattainable goal - much like my driving test. I’ve entered a few times unsuccessfully, wondering what I had been missing…

But this year, out of 40,000 entries, my entry has been selected so sit alongside these amazing images in Voice Image Collection by Click Magazine. It will be exhibited amongst the other finalists in March 2020 in Atlanta.

We were just hanging out at our airbnb whilst on holiday. I love telling stories with my images, and I loved how this window framed of all of us doing our own things in this tiny swimming pool. I took it purely for my own enjoyment and threw it in as a curveball to the competition, but I didn’t for one second think that it would actually be a winner.

I guess sometimes we all need to take a leap of faith…


Click on the image to see the rest of the Finalists of this inspiring collection.
My image is in the Storytelling Category.