Making memories: Sprinkler fun at Grandparent's house

You can literally hear them reminiscing in years to come: 'Remember those weekends when we did cartwheels and tried to drink the water from the sprinkler in Grandma and Grandpa's garden?'

The other weekend, I wanted to jump right into this sprinkler as I was taking photos of these girls. And I did, mildly (anything for the shot!) But why did I need a camera in my hand for the permission to jump right in as well? It was so hot, I had been running around a lot, we had covered all of the family images, and it was the perfect way to end a session! But I stopped short, as to an extent I need to appear professional, right? And thought of getting completely drenched with no change of clothes, and driving home soggy wasn't hugely appealing...

And then it got me thinking - THAT is what the magic of childhood is all about. Living in the moment - throwing yourself into the middle of the fun, caring little about consequences. That wonderful freedom and zest for life that having an organised parent or two behind the scenes allows...

THESE are the memories being created right now, and I absolutely LOVE to capture them. Anyone else want to play? 😃